Thursday, 13 August 2015

Legion Collector's Edition Mount & Pet

   The mount and pet for the Legion Collector's Edition were revealed last night, and they're awesome! The Illidari Felstalker and Nibbles will presumably be a part of both the physical and digital collector's editions of the expansion.

   I'm not so keen on the colour of the armour on the mount simply because it clashes a little bit, but it's still a great mount. I prefer to assign mounts and pets to characters so that they ride something relevant, and though Spinegrinder has been a little bit neglected lately (read: last two expanions), this is a brilliant Warlock mount! Yay!!

   Will you get the CE for this? Were you anyway? Or do you not like it at all?

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Illidan's Return

   Illidan. He's my favourite. But so is Arthas. I never could decide between the two of them. I think Arthas probably wins because I know more about him and he's my favourite kind of villain, one who has been misled and one you can pity, one whose death makes you cry, but Illidan is a very close second. So I was so excited when I saw the announcement stream on Thursday.
   And then I thought about it.
   No, I don't recall Illidan actually dying in Black Temple, and his return has been speculated for some time, but the problem is that, when villains return, they're never as good as they were. Either they get right back to work trying to do what they were in the first place, in which case the villain's motive is old news, Or they're trying to do something else and it just feels forced. Villains returning from the dead or imprisonment rarely works. Illidan has had his time, he was awesome, he is a legend, but it's over.

   Seeg used to be a role player, and something he said to me a long time ago has stuck with me quite solidly because it's something I took to heart as a dying-to-be-published writer. "You have to respect your characters enough to let them die."
   Illidan was loved by so many, and no, he didn't die, so why can't he come back? But he's not going to be as awesome as he was before. Don't misunderstand me, I wouldn't mind being proven wrong at all, but odds are that his return will ruin his previous image. I really hope not.
   Arthas and Deathwing, both grand villains, were allowed to die. Arthas was misled and Deathwing had gone stark raving mad and beyond any hope of saving. Illidan seems to me to be in the middle. He's been misled, but he's also aware of what he's doing. He knows what he is, and he's fine with it. He could still be saved, but the trouble was that he was promised greatness since he was a child and that idea understandably rooted itself in him. That makes him extremely interesting as both a villain and a three-dimensional character, but his time has come and gone. I'm not really sure how this could work out well for him.

   I don't know. I thought I had a clear idea on how I felt about it, but writing this post has made me realise that I don't have a clue.
   I'm happy to see him again.
   I don't want him to come back and ruin what he was.

   But how about those demon hunters, eh?

Monday, 10 August 2015

Coming Back

   It's been ages. I think I was a bit of an idiot restricting myself to WoW on this blog - I made it in an effort to spare my readers on my leading blog so they didn't have to read about all my nerdiness. I realise now that it shouldn't matter, because my blog is my little space on the internet and I should be able to blog however I want, but nevermind.
   I'm keeping The Wyvern's Tail, but I'm going to expand it to general nerdiness - any games I care to mention, any fantasy-based nonsense and so on, because limiting it to WoW is why it went so quiet.

   I've been really, really busy. You may have seen me tweet from WoW once or twice, another effort to save my readers from my nerdiness by having two accounts, so I have still been playing - in fact my subscription hasn't run dry in about 6 months - but I've not had anything to say, unless people want to read about every achievement I get. I don't raid, I don't PvP - I barely even go into dungeons, so unless I do something unusual or something WoW-based outside of the game like crafts, I've had little to say.
   I do want to get Atherya's diary started up again but I'm currently working on my book - I've finished writing it and I'm now on the long task of revising it before submitting it to agents - and any time I have to write I put into that instead. I've got my next book planned out and I'm keen to get started on that, too, but my current book takes priority.

   I mentioned some time ago about an art exhibit I was asked to do, and after a year and a half of work, it went up in the gallery about three weeks ago. Apparently a few pieces sold in the first few hours - mental! I was really concerned about the exhibit. I'd spent so long working on it that it wasn't until two weeks before setting up I truly realised it was happening, and it was only on the way to the centre that I started getting shaky. I was so nervous! But I met some wonderful people while I was there and then had a giant coronation chicken sandwich. It's the little things, I assure you. If anyone is interested, you can read more about the exhibit on my main blog.

   I intend to get this blog fired up again. It won't be limited to WoW, though I expect that will still dominate it, and I'm hoping to get a new header put together with the new character models at long last, too. So...until I blog again, I suppose!