Wednesday 13 November 2013

Stuck For a Post

   So! Hello! How are we all? How's WoW going for you? Yes, I am stuck for a post today, so I decided I'd just talk to you guys.
   What have you been up to lately? On and off WoW? Did you go to Blizzcon? Did you have nothing to do with it? I bought the virtual ticket, but, I'll be honest, I spent 5 minutes watching the stream before I got bored with it. I was spending time with Koruth, so I was busy doing stuff or sleeping while the panels were actually happening, so all the info I needed, really, was already up on MMO Champion the next morning. I've never been too interested in panels, Q&A and stuff anyways. That's not to say that I don't appreciate the time, effort and number of people that goes into making the game, it's just that I can't really appreciate the panels themselves. It's like comic books or manga. I'm incapable of looking at the pictures. I just want words! I get through them within half an hour - I read Death Note volume 1&2 in an hour. I did enjoy it, though.

   There's a cat café opening in London this year and they're stocking some of my necklaces. I sent them the products on Friday and they'll be up for sale on the website very soon. I'm quite excited. I've been stocked in a shop before - a little shop in Tokyo sold a few of my rings - but this is exciting because it's on a much larger scale. Though, Tokyo was an awesome opportunity, too! It's just that I'm used to making 93% of my sales (minus Etsy and Paypal/Direct Checkout fees), and now I'm only going to be making 60%, but at the same time, I am a very greedy little lady. But odds are, anything I sell with them I wouldn't have sold anyway, so I still end up making more money.

   Is everyone looking forward to Christmas, or are there a few Scrooges amongst us here? It's easily my favourite holiday. I don't care for any others. I'm not a partier, I'm not religious, so there's not much to interest me. Halloween bores me, Easter bores me, Valentine's day is nice but it's still quite dull. It's Christmas for me, also because my birthday is 2 weeks after Christmas day and 9 days after my boyfriend's birthday, so it's a short period of time jam-packed with exciting celebrations, and I always go out of my way to make it special for the whole family by buying special presents, decorations, food - last year I made a topiary tree out of Lindt Lindor and Ferrero Rocher. It's not much at the end of the day because we don't have lots of money, and, unlike my sister, I hate asking anyone for any. I try to make my money as honestly as possible. Plus Christmas has been even more exciting over the past two years because my shop keeps me busy - though I'd still appreciate more business. But not too much or I won't be able to breathe. I do it all myself, afterall - product making, product photography, pricing, listing, paying bills and fees, packaging, branding, shipping, customer service, SEO and advertising. So too much business will be a bad thing, and I have no one who has a steady enough hand, good enough eyesight and enough patience to help me make things. Though, I suppose, if things got a bit much I could also get my best friend involved over Christmas and pay her. She's unemployed at the moment (of course she has far more going for her than I do), we don't see eachother much, and she is genuinely interested in what I do, so I'm sure she'd appreciate it a little bit.

   How has everyone's jobs been going? Raids? Family? 

NaBloPoMo November 2013

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