Sunday, 4 August 2013

WoWscreenshotaday Day 4 'Fresh'

   It's been raining a lot lately. Feel free to call me a hippy or whatever, but I think the smell of the rain is incredible. It smells so fresh (isn't that convenient?)! In fact, whenever I buy handmade soap, I usually go for freshly cut grass, or rain scents.
   The Lotus Farm by New Cifera is one of my favourite locations in-game. The idea of farming lotus flowers is so whimsical, I just love it. I fell in love with the place on the spot. Also, the grass in the area is always so vibrant and green, usually from the reliable rainfall that plagues nearly every screenshot I try to take in the Valley of the Four Winds.
   When I saw that today's #WoWscreenshotaday theme was 'Fresh' I knew exactly where to go. This was aided by the fact that it's raining outside today - you know, normal summer weather for England. So I headed over to the Pools of Purity, fully prepared, for once, for the rain to interfere, but lo and behold, the one day I wouldn't have minded it, it wasn't there! Not one to pass up the rare opportunity, I grabbed the shot anyway. So here's my submission for Day 4:

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